Disney Princess #EF14

What’s your favourite cartoon? I found this question for engslish friday’s challenge for this week.
I need to take a minutes to give the right answer. I was adore Sailormoon. Especially Mamoru Jiba. The Masked Tuxedo. Ouh, come on. Who doesn’t love the smart-handsome-awesome-man like him?
I can see most of you, girls, who nods silently :p

But, i realized then,ย  Disney Princess is my favourite one. I’ll pick up Cinderella for an example.

Who doesn’t know Cinderella?
The girl with her iconic glass shoes.
The girl with her blue dress? In most of her film, she’s wearing a cute and lovely blue dress. Which is remind me of tutu skirt in a long version.
The girl with her blonde hair.
The girl with her ‘before midnight’s rule. Well, i also have this rule. But it works ‘before 9pm’ to me :p
The girl with her unstoppable and cruellest step mother. Even most of people say : masih lebih kejam ibukota daripada ibu tiri cinderella :))))
She have a handsome prince who ride a white horse (?). Uhm… every princess in every tales have their own princeย  with his white horse.
So do I. My prince charming ride a black-with blue stripes-motorcycle :)))

I dunno why i love Cinderella and all the Disney Princess. Maybe being a princess like them is most of lil girl’s dream? Thats’s why I also put Prince William as my first crush :p

Pretty – lovable – kindhearted – beautiful dress and palace – prince charming – happily ever after. Such a perfect life, isn’t?

Well, let them be a princess in their fairytale. And let us be a ‘princess’ in our own way ๐Ÿ˜‰
*gak tau ah, filosofi apa pula ini* :)))

By the way, detective Conan is also my favourite one. I read the comic till now. Wait for every new chapter.
I’m on #TakagiTeam :)))

So, what’s yours?

signature 2

Mbak Middleton

Kate Middleton?
Siapa yang gak kenal dia?
Ngana kagak kenal dese?
Owh… what on earth do you live? *grammarnya bener kan? Takutnya udah gegayaan ngenglish eh ternyata salah :)))) *

Sini sini tak bisikin bagi yang gak tau siapa dia. Psssttt dia istrinya mas William. Bukan mas Willi yang jualan galon deket rumahnya situ, tapi Prince William cucunya eyang Elizabeth. Pewaris tahta kerajaan Inggris garis kedua setelah bapaknya, pap Charles. Masih gak kenal juga? Silakan googling aja deh :)))

Prince William was my first crush. Mungkin udah ada yang tau dari postingan saya di english friday yang ini.

I’m his big fans since junior high school.ย  Bagi sahabat yang mengikuti tumbuh kembang saya, udah apal banget. Waktu itu kliping gambar dan berita dari majalah Bobo. Yeah…masa kecil kalian bahagia kalo dulu sempet kenalan sama Bobo. Lalu berlanjut kliping dari majalah Aneka. Saya rapiin simpen jadi satu di sebuah map clear holder. Dan suka kupamer pamerin ke temen temen ๐Ÿ˜€

Alasannya suka sama Prince William?
Dia smart, ganteng, dan seorang pangeran!
Oke fix, saya teracuni oleh doktrin kartun princess Disney,.dimana pangerannya selalu ganteng.
Tapi, kalo sekarang, ya tetep Mr. Muhandoko donk juara gantengnya ๐Ÿ˜€
*diiyain aja. saya takut uang jajan dipotong sama Mr. Muhandoko, kalo bilang kadar kegantengannya terkalahkan ama Prince William ๐Ÿ˜€

Saya mengikuti perkembangannya, termasuk ketika dia dikabarkan menjalin hubungan dengan seorang wanita. Dimana akhirnya si wanita yang
bernama Kate Middleton dilamar dan akhirnya dinikahi.

Saya masih inget dengan jelas, ketika itu saya habis wisuda. Beberapa hari setelahnya publik udah heboh dengan berita Royal Wedding.
Yang mengharukan, banyak temen yang sms saya : “Na, kamu gak patah hati ditinggal William nikah?”

Patah hati meeeennn…eh engga dink. Justru ikutan seneng karena dia nikah sama Kate.

Selanjutnya, jadilah saya ngefans sama Kate. Caaantiiilkk nya engga nahan ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

gambar diambil dari sini

Beidewei eniwei buswei, saya iseng aja make id Mbak Middleton di whatsapp dan akun FB. Kalo FB mah sementara doank, ntar juga saya balikin ke nama asli.

Kalo di wa, sampai ada yang penasaran siapa nama asli saya, karena mereka kebiasaan manggil dengan sebutan Mbak Midd, Mbak Middleton. Hahaha whatsoever deh. Suka suka situ aja manggil saya apa :p
Karena sesuatu hal, saya berpikir untuk ganti nama id. Tapi kok rasanya label Mbak Middleton udah melekat pada dirikyu ya ;p
*dilepehin berjamaah*

Ketika mereka punya anak, saya malah jadi lebih gemes sama dik George daripada sama bapaknya :p

gambar diambil dari sini

Tapi, ketika Lee Min Ho dan Kim So Hyun dateng mengetuk pintu hatiku, eh hatiku tergoyahkan :)))

Ah,.sudahlah… monggo ngefans asal masih dalam batas wajar ๐Ÿ™‚

*ngucek cucian sebelum dimasukin ke mesin cuci*
*bikinin teh anget buat Mr. Muhandoko lalu ngobrol ngobrol cantik berdua*
You’re the best, Beb :))))

signature 2

A letter To Nana, The Younger Me – EF Challenge#8

Dear Nana, the younger me,
Soon, i’m officially leave my ‘twenty-something’ period.
Time flies, huh ? ๐Ÿ™‚
Come here,please have a seat. Take a deep breath. Enjoy your coffee and these crunchy cookies.

Now, let’s have a chit-chat about our togetherness ten years ago.

You were a girl. Not yet a woman. *oh, please don’t do that britney spears’ dance*
At that time, you were on your 2nd years at university. Am I rite?

I still remember – me as you – at twenty yo was a mess girl, clueless, clumsy.
I hate make up. I have many pimples and freckles at my face, and an oily long hair.
*okay, I have to say this: iyuuhh…disguisting :p *
Oh, dont forget about my lazy habit too.

To be honest, i’m so sorry. A really big sorry.
Why I didn’t push you to study harder?
Why I didn’t stay away from bad people ? I means, now I realize, a good people makes a good influence to your life. And it works the same for it’s opposite.

A billion ‘why’, can’t change your future, dear Nana.

If only I studied hard, perhaps at this time we can live abroad. I wish I had a chance to get a scholarship or something. Oh yess, of course dont forget to ask Mr. Muhandoko to accompany our journey ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh…did I hurt your heart?
Once again, I’m sorry.
Psst.. I’m gonna tell you the truth.
The future you, ten years later, live happily.
The future you is married a gorgeous man, Mr. Muhandoko.
Hahaha I know, if you want to ask about your first love – Prince William – he does the same thing.
Married an awesome lady, Kate Middleton. As awesome as you, of course. Trust me ๐Ÿ˜€
*finger cross*

The future you, live in sub-urban. In a small but comfy house. Full of love and laugh.

The future you, is a writer in the making ๐Ÿ™‚

So, is it a pretty good news for you? ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m gonna keep our stories ten years ago, as our secret. A very very very top secret ๐Ÿ˜‰

I wish you read this letter, and then tell it to the little Muhandokos, someday, maybe ๐Ÿ˜€

Love you to the moon and back,
The future you -Mrs. Muhandoko-


Pssstt…. This post is made for BEC challenge #7.
A big thanks to mas ryan, who made this challenge sooo touching :p